We’re all in this together. No, we’re not quoting High School Musical; we’re talking about how our favorite stars are just like us — at least when it comes to self-esteem. Unretouched celebrity photos show us their cellulite, stretch marks, scars, butt pimples, and that most of the time their bodies don’t look like what you see in the magazines. They’re human beings who have to deal with the same hang-ups we all do, plus the harsh judgment the media puts on them for any minimal flaw (or what society considers a flaw). The struggle on their mental health is real, no matter how full their bank accounts may be.
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To get a celebrity picture worthy of printing, lighting operators and makeup artists ensure every inch of their client looks unblemished. Retouchers then spend hours perfecting any stray hair or bump. But, as much as these things highlight their beauty, there’s nothing like a good old Instagram reality check for a bit of body positivity and love. When stars show themselves without makeup or filters and with all the imperfections we also have, it helps us realize that those same imperfections don’t make them any less worthy of love or attention.
We’ve got a gallery of unretouched photos of celebrities who embraced and shared the beauty of their skin — take a look at these awesome ladies for a refreshing dose of reality and body positivity!
#1 When Helen Mirren Gave Us This Fresh-Faced Selfie “Literally First Thing In The Morning”
When Helen Mirren Gave Us This Fresh-Faced Selfie “Literally First Thing In Morning
#2 When Model Denise Bidot Gave Us This 2022 Motto “Stretch Marks, Cellulite, Rolls, Who Cares?”