Second Date Update: He Lies About Everything – Truth Comes Out on Our Second Date!”

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hello hi I was looking for Kelly yeah hi this is Kelly hey Kelly how are you this is jubel from Brook and jubil in the morning uh hi you familiar with the show the show oh no she apparently knows another J from Brook and juil in the morning you sounded like you knew who it was Brook and jubil in the morning it’s a radio show this is the radio show yeah I don’t think it’s who you thought was calling yeah the wrong number no the reason that I’m calling you is because one of our listeners actually emailed us and asked if we could get you on the phone okay his name is Rick Rick yeah and Rick’s kind of a friend of yours like a new friend you guys went out on a date together oh my God Rick yeah oh my God is we do a segment on our show called The Second Date Update it’s where if somebody goes out on a date with somebody and then gets blown off they email us to see if we can get that person on the phone and ask what went wrong so Rick he emailed you guys yeah and he’s curious why you don’t want to go out with him again I already told him we could be friends I don’t yeah he did tell us that but he’s curious why he’s being put in the friend zone right away cuz he would love to like go out on an actual date with you again oh my God and you know that friend thing was a lie because according to him you haven’t texted him again after wanting to be friends well yeah so can you tell us why you don’t want to go out with him again you know I was was so hesitant to do online dating because one I liked meeting people the old-fashioned way but my friends were like no it’s so much fun you have to do it but they all had horror stories of how everybody lied on their profile yeah yeah it happens I’ve never heard anyone say it’s so much fun yeah so you gave in and did it and you met Rick did he lie about his profile is that what you’re getting to yeah he is the liar whoa what did he lie about did he look different no he looked exactly like his photo that was he he represented himself the same in the photos it was like everything else in the profile kind of seems like a lie so was he like an entrepreneur but it turns out he lives in his mom’s basement or something kind of similar I’m a very active person and what really drew me to his profile was his interest he said he loved hiking he loves rock climbing snowboarding and photography yeah and these are all things I am very passionate about so I I was hoping to meet somebody where we had similar interests that we could do these things together right that’s a pretty sexy profile I’m not going to lie I I would be turned on by that those things too yeah and when the conversation happened and I would bring up like I talked about going snowboarding once a year with my family and something I look forward to every year and uh I take my snowboarding very seriously and he had nothing to say about snowboarding what well maybe he just didn’t have anything to add into the conversation that doesn’t mean he doesn’t board yeah but then I brought up hiking because his profile says I love hiking all cats I love hiking all right and I said Hey when’s the last time you went hiking and he just threw up his hand in the air and Shrugged his shoulders and said I don’t know and you said it was in all caps on his profile that he loves hiking all caps exclamation point all right it’s a weird thing to lie about well that’s like the basic thing to say right I love hiking I love Outdoors yeah if you want to seem like an outdoorsy type of person you just say you like to hike yeah it was just so strange that he had nothing to add about this so I kept asking more questions about the rock climbing and mountains he liked and he would just stare at me with like a Blank Stare then I talked about photography yeah and asked him what’s his favorite camera and he said I don’t know I just used my phone super passionate obviously yeah so I have no idea what going on with his profile if he just copied somebody else’s or or if he thought it was good bait to get women to respond to his profile yeah to seemed like Adventure dude yeah I don’t know it was just so bizarre like such a weird thing to lie about well this is going to be a good experience for you too because he’s actually on the other line listening and would like to talk to you about his interests yeah he’s actually on the other line he’s on the other line yeah hey Kelly W hey um wow uh big misunderstanding here um yeah sounds like it Rick it’s one way to word it so you heard everything everything I said was true right can you explain why you put all those things on your profile well I I put them on my profile because I’m interested in them but it doesn’t sound like you do any of them well no I I I mean not as much as I would like to but I work 60 hours a week I’m you know I don’t I work really hard and yeah I the last time I went hiking was well over a year ago with some friends and I had a great time but I don’t you know I don’t have the opportunity to go with them every time that they go rck you said you never went snowboarding and then your profile says it’s a passion of yours I mean I guess passion is a little strongly worded but I don’t know I think it’s really cool like I you know watch YouTube videos and so there you go Kelly he is passionate about it he’s watching YouTube videos of snowboarding see see what I mean this is he’s a liar I mean Rick I can’t believe that this is the first time this has been an issue for you in all of your online dating experience like no one else has brought up the fact that you say you love snowboarding and have never actually gone well no because most girls are just interested in talking about themselves you know brick I’m not like that I enjoy talking to the other person I enjoy getting to know somebody else so I think you owe it to other women you’re going to be dating to represent yourself accurately I think you should change your profile whoa that you like Netflix you yeah there you go Rick I’m passionate about watching snowboarding on YouTube that would be a better way to put it but I’m not going to change my profile I said that I love snowboarding because I love snowboarding and I love hiking yeah I don’t go every day or every week every time I’ve done it I really enjoy it yeah it’s an interest I’m not I’m not going to say on my profile that I’m interested in algebra which is what I do every day I mean like see but I think you’re not giving people a chance to get to know the real Rick I mean I understand that there’s a lot of pressure when you fill out those dating profiles to sound like a really cool person and sometimes when you put yourself on paper you realize how boring you are but there’s got to be something that you’re passionate about that other people are passionate about too does but does being passionate about something mean that you have to do it like well generally I think so yeah not really at all like at least you should try it once if you’re passionate about it you can’t say you’re passionate about it and have never done it so come off a liar okay Kelly I think okay I I get what you’re saying but I think that like calling me a liar is a little harsh don’t you think I mean yeah okay maybe I do need to try something before I say that I’m passionate about it I mean maybe you could take me snowboarding I would love that hey there you go Kelly would you like to go out on a second date with Rick we will pay for it not the snowboarding that’s expensive but like we’ll pay for you guys to go out and maybe set up a snowboarding date you know I’m a little hesitant because he lied but I’m also very interested to see him on a snowboard oh my all right so is that a yes you will take Rick to experience his passion for the first time ever and you guys are paying for this we’ll talk about the snowboarding thing but we yeah we’ll get you out there in that case I would be honored oh my God Rick is going to hate it the first day of snowboarding is like the worst day of your life you will never have a more hurt butt ever no this is going to be awesome I’m really looking forward to getting out there and discovering more about my passion

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